Baby Will Only Sleep With Something Next to Face

baby only volition sleep with blanket covering face

(18 Posts)

xkatxdollx Wed 04-April-12 14:49:56

im worried my baby will smother herself because she will simply sleep if her blanket is completely covering her face and she wont motility it and wakes up nigh of the time when i motility it. likewise when she wakes in the dark if i take her blanket off she will shove her face up in it and fall dorsum asleep i want to just leave it merely i dont want to wake up to a blue baby shes 6 and a half months old

Teaandcakeplease Wed 04-Apr-12 sixteen:23:24

You sound similar such a lovely caring mum. A few of my nephews and nieces likewise did this (I have ten nieces/ nephews). At that place should exist plenty air in at that place and move of air for her to breathe but perhaps you should have a conversation with your wellness company?

My son slept on his tummy from a immature age as he slept ameliorate and I used to constantly check him anxiously. It tin can be nerve racking.

But I'm sure she will be fine merely you could sleep train her to manage without it if y'all desire?

xkatxdollx Wed 04-Apr-12 xvi:46:53

she would only be able to slumber if i breastfed her to sleep which would accept an hour because she used me as a pacifer, she wont take existent pacifiers she but screams. she was waking up at least half-dozen times at dark until i couldnt accept it anymore and i started giving her formula at nighttime (2-6oz depending on how hungry she is) and she started only waking up once or twice at night and i give her the bottle and her blankey and she flips it over her head or bunches information technology upward and pushes her face in information technology. im so happy to be getting slumber but im ever waking up and looking at her moniter to observe that she put the coating over her head again. i try and take it off when she falls comatose.

ragged Wed 04-Apr-12 xvi:52:13

don't think in that location's a problem if cotton / breathable fabric. Baby dc3 did this lots

Teaandcakeplease Wed 04-Apr-12 16:54:09

You have to either continue removing it once she's comatose. But she may put it back as she gets bigger. Or sleep railroad train her? I actually did mine at four months. Pick up put downward is a more gentle method, than CC but takes longer and persistence. It's tricky you lot love them so much and you do not want to upset her with sleep preparation to manage without the blanket on her face merely don't want her to suffocate herself either. Rock and hard place bound to mind.

wendieann Midweek 04-April-12 xvi:55:01

I don't come across information technology a problem every bit my son did the same....

xkatxdollx Midweek 04-April-12 16:57:eleven

i do take it off when she falls asleep its fine for naps but in the middle of the dark she will cry till she gets her blankey this was my sleep training i wanted her blankey as a prop instead of me i deceit sleep without a blanket over my head either and so i know how she feels just i brand breath holessad

TheDowager Wed 04-April-12 16:58:15

So make some breath holes in it?

xkatxdollx Wed 04-Apr-12 17:08:42

she bunches it up its not similar its just the i layer over her face

littletomato Wed 04-Apr-12 18:56:58

sleeping purse and so give her a small calorie-free muslin square for face?

xkatxdollx Wed 04-April-12 xx:13:17

she doesnt need the coating for her body merely her confront and whats a muslin square

saladspinner Wed 04-Apr-12 20:sixteen:thirty

My ds has always slept with his blankie over his face besides; it's about 20cm x 20cm and designed to be used from nascency. Tin can't retrieve brand and don't want to wake him to bank check. Remember it's fine tho, at six months he tin can swipe it off?

naturalbaby Midweek 04-Apr-12 twenty:19:03

what kind of coating is it? ds1 did this with a muslin (very thin textile) when he was tiny then was happy to take it against his cheek/half his face. my other babys had a velour blanket animal so it's quite small.

BlackOutTheSun Midweek 04-Apr-12 20:22:41

dd would only sleep if something was roofing her confront, i used a muslin.

saladspinner Midweek 04-Apr-12 20:25:22

I recall muslin would work besides. Retrieve it's jellycat? Had a mini teddy in pocket. Gave it to him from about four months old

HairyButtMonkey Wed 04-April-12 20:27:18

My de did this too but with a muslin. It was swell for signalling information technology was nap/bedtime! I would recommend swapping the blanket for something thinner and more breathable. They do abound out of it only I found it tends to freak other people out

xkatxdollx Wed 04-April-12 xx:42:28

ill have to look for one but until i go one everyone else just left the blanket on their faces?

CruciFlisspaps Wed 04-Apr-12 20:48:13

xkatxdollx Don't forget, at 6mo babies are perfectly capable of rolling over and sticking themselves face down in the mattress - so a blanket over the face shouldn't be a problem smile It's unlikely that your DD will smother herself with a blanket. What nigh if you give her a cellular blanket (the ones people use for newborns with lots of holes in)?

A muslin square is a very thin piece of fabric that can be used for anything from a comforter to a bib or a full general cleaning cloth. Very handy.

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